Post by boogiepop on Apr 14, 2021 21:08:36 GMT
Hey guys,
So I was looking to buy some spare AES sticks in case the ones I have don't last and was disappointed that the decent-looking ones on Ebay cost so much. Then I came across a lot that bundled a CD system with nice-looking sticks and said, "Hmm, why not?" I figured I could just turn around and sell the system to make some of that money back.
Well, of course I need to pick up a game to test the system, and I saw Crossed Swords 2... and then I saw Windjammers...
I think we all know where this goes.
So I've got myself a top-loader it seems. I have several questions for those able to answer.
1. Are there games other than Real Bout Special (with Blue Mary's Blues) and Turf Masters (extra course) that have exclusive content?
2. From what gameplay videos I've watched on youtube, it sounds like Street Hoop and Twinkle Star Sprites' music is slightly quieter than the sound effects when compared to their cartridge-based counterparts. Is this true and if so, do other games "suffer" from the same issue?
3. Is the CDZ a no-brainer? The only negatives I've read about are the price and possibly overheating issues. Does anyone have any knowledge of or experience with overheating units?
4. How reliable is the top-loader?
5. Are there games that have arguably better audio that don't have crazy load times? Right now I'm looking at Samurai Shodown. (Nakoruru's theme is too good! Yuri's theme in AOF2... not so much.)
6. Do the CD pads last? I may end up grabbing a couple for those who can't stand sticks.
7. Anything else you think I should be aware of?
My idea at the moment is maybe to get some of the more difficult to obtain MVS games like Pulstar and sports games like Street Hoop on CD since they're so much cheaper. I know the sports games tend to load only after booting the system up, and to me, that's 100% acceptable. (I probably spend at least as much time trying to get my MVS cartridges to sit just right.) Pulstar looks like a slightly harder sell without a CDZ, but I think I prefer the CD music from what I've heard so far (and the music seems not to be too quiet). I'll probably pick it up and give it a test drive. For fighters in general I'm sure I'll be sticking with MVS.
Anyway, I'm starting to ramble. So yeah... if anyone has something to share, I'd be most appreciative!